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Who is this Maxx Chick, Anyway?


​Hi, thanks for finding me!


I'm a former radio/tv host.


A few years ago I became extremely ill , and I was eventually diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.


After learning everything I could about autoimmune conditions and the effect stress has on the body both psychologicalIy and physically, I knew that I had to make some drastic life changes.


Shortly after this journey began I was blind  sided by the sudden death of my brother, my only sibling, my hero.


I had come to a crossroads, I could curl into a fetal position and hide, or I could take control and make the choice to thrive.


I started studying psychology, mindfulness, spirituality, neuropsychology, quantum physics, and the mind-body connection. I was excited to find they all overlap, and that our untapped potential is enormous!


At first, I took what I learned and applied it to myself. The more I learned the more I tried, the more I tried, the more I grew.  After a huge emotional, physical and spiritual transformation, I decided  that I needed to share the exciting and empowering knowledge  that I had gained, information  that we SHOULD be given as children, but aren't.


I work one-on-one with people. Although I work with all types of people, I specialize in helping women  40+ who want to live life more FULLY and really step into their power.


My first book "Mindfulness for People Who Suck at Being Mindful", is a short, non-intimidating guide to mindful living for beginners, no matter where you are in your life and growth journey!


I also have also written two in a series of books on emotions for children, 'Magnificent Milly's Magically Mindful Day" and "Fabulous Freddy's Very Bad Mood."  All of my books are available on Amazon.


My blog focuses on everything from mindfulness, to relationships, self-esteem, spirituality and more!


Plus I do plenty of interviews with the top authors, thinkers and speakers.


I give practical, actionable tips on overcoming anxiety, changing self-defeating patterns, taking  control of your mental and physical health and creating the life you were MEANT to live by becoming who you were meant to BE!


As a broadcaster, I love doing interviews, guest hosting on podcasts and adding commentary on all things mental health, personal development and mindfulness!


Feel free to drop me a message. Keep learning and growing, we ARE magic! xo Melissa




The Mindfulness Course, Now On Udemy!

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"Mindfulness and Mindful Living for the not TOO Woo-Woo"


Personal development, mindfulness and spirituality are not just for monks and gurus. There are practical, actionable tips and insights that we all can use to be our best selves.


As featured in Shape Magazine, Ask Men, Authority Magazine, Thrive Global and Yahoo News.

"Mindfulness For People Who Suck At Being Mindful" named one of the top self-help books by Men's Journal in 2021.








"You've always had the power, my dear..."


We unknowingly relinquish our power at a very early age. We go through life rejoicing at, or lamenting, the hand we feel that we've been dealt. The truth is, we have a choice. We may not  be able to control what comes our way, but we can ALWAYS choose how we react. and how willing we are to experience the moment as it is. That's the premise making mindful choices and living mindfully and THAT'S where the magic begins!



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